
In ERASMUS+ projects the most important results are known as intellectual outputs or Os. There are several planed in 3DIPhE:

  • O1: Educational design research framework will be a paper reflecting on all processes and their interconnection in the 3DIPhE, which would be helpful for planing the projects.
  • O2: Training course on coaching PLCs will be a five day certified course for training the teachers on coaching. It will be appropriate for teachers pursuing promotions to more demanding roles as leaders of subject teachers groups, headmasters etc.
  • O3: Training course on practitioner’s inquiry (PI)  will be a five day certified course for training on inquiry of own practice focused on IBL in physics. The training will include the introduction of the method, good examples from the life of the project, discussion of participants’ problems.
    The PI Guide in a form of an e-book will be prepared.
  • O4: PI guided physics education: Classroom examples will be a collection of a good examples in a form of an e-book that could be used in practice.

The final outputs produced from the project are available as an eBook with four separate volumes: Volume 1 provides information on and classroom examples of IBL. These materials can be used to support daily practice of teachers and partners acting as coaches. Volume 2 is a course on ‘PI Training’. It provides a guide and course material on how to conduct  Practitioner Inquiry (PI) in the context of Inquiry Based Learning (IBL). Volume 3 is a course ‘training for coaches’. It provides a guide and course material for persons interested in coaching PLCs. Volume 4 describes the EDR Framework used in this project. It provides details of the research based design that was used to elicit and inform learning from each cycle of the project.

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